The features you’ll love

Everything you need to sell tickets and manage your event online.

Edit Event

The edit option grants the access to edit and update the event details.
Ex: Event Description, Change of Venue, Name of the Event, Add Ticket Type.
Note: Field like Event URL, Tickets, and Payment Gateway & Service Charges cannot be changed once the ticket is sold.

Ticket Widget

Sell tickets on your own website with MeraEvents Ticket Widget. It works within your site allowing attendees to pay instantly, without being redirected away to complete the order

Ticket Options

This variant feature in the dashboard provides an option in collecting the attendee’s and the person’s general information.
This feature also helps in enabling few Ticket and Invoice Settings.

Payment Modes

This ideal option open the gates for the customers with several payment gateways including international payment, helping them in making the payments with ease.

Custom Fields

If you have several other fields to collect from the attedee use this option to create custom fields to collect other relevant information

Terms & Conditions

Enter the event terms and conditions in this field, which will be displayed on the event page.


Add members to your team and give multiple users role based access to your account to edit and manage all listings within your account.

Contact Information

Get live update on the sale of every ticket or registration and the summary of sale without accessing the dashboard. Just enter the email address once and stay up to date.


Add images to your event page to make it more appealing